Chuck Taylors, crayon on sketchbook paper 11x14 inches by Kenney Mencher

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I am not a risqué or sexy kind of guy, however, at times some of my work has been called that. This is only a small part of what my paintings are about. The majority of my work deals with the visual translation of familiar ideas.

I'm most interested in representing people who don't get represented by mainstream artists. I particularly like painting bears, cubs, and other wildlife.

My images are about points of view, my own and the person who is looking at my work. These images are designed to provoke discussion about the politics of how we see the world. Many images are based on the visual, literary, and spoken clichés that we are inculcated with through movies, television, and print media. These paintings indirectly reference how the media forces us to see the world but even though the media seeks to find a homogenous point of view, we all see things differently. My paintings are ink blot tests and they beg the question, what’s your point of view?
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Chiseler, oil on canvas panel 18x24 inches by Kenney Mencher
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Indirect, 9x12 inches crayon on paper by Kenney Mencher
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In Between the Sun and the Sand, 11x14 inches watercolor on Rives BFK paper by Kenney Mencher
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Ottercolt, 9x12 inches watercolor on paper by Kenney Mencher
Handsome Black Man with a Flat Cap and an Overcoat Smoking a Pipe, 9x12 inches crayon on paper by Kenney Mencher
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