Furmaster, 9x12 inches crayon on paper by Kenney Mencher

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This homoerotically charged portrait is of a hairy older gay man (often referred to as a "bear").

Sometimes I just like to draw as a means of escape and to study or explore something that I don't have the time for in a painting. It's a sort freer kind of medium because if it doesn't work out it's not the same kind of investment as an oil painting. I also like to learn more about anatomy by drawing. I feel like I never can stop studying.

Another nice thing about drawing is that it's so immediate but you can also incorporate some elements into it that are similar to the brush marks or brushwork in painting. For example, the direction of the marks and hatch marks in this drawing correlate somewhat to the direction and textures that I would incorporate while painting this scene as an oil. As in most of my paintings, I try to avoid an uninteresting composition.

Lately there have been some fake websites springing up and stealing my images and publishing them but then not shipping the art to my collectors so please only use the following sites to collect my work.







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Alone with You in the Ether, 9x12 inches, crayon on cotton paper by Kenney Mencher Drawing of a muscular otter with a beard, and hairy chest
Sleepwalking, 16x20x1.5 inches oil on stretched canvas by Kenney Mencher Original oil of a muscular semi nude otter in profile
Otter in a Bath Towel, 9x12 inches watercolor on Rives BFK paper by Kenney Mencher
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Inciting Joy, 9x12 inches oil on canvas panel by Kenney Mencher (A painting of a nude muscular male figure from behind)
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Pregame Tryouts, 16x20 inches oil on canvas panel by Kenney Mencher